Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Unexpected Fame

How on earth did so many people started reading my blog all of a sudden?


HK said...

Fate brought me to your blog I would say :)

Anonymous said...

Be the first to put up my comment.
Actually, i miss your picture that you remove from your blog..... pls.

Chris Thoo said...

lol....I guess it's because you're one of the followers in gutter?
That's how I clicked onto that and ended up in your blog.

anyway, sorry to hear what has happened. =)

Unknown said...

if u r not telling and showing your sex life and sexy fotos u think people will bother to read meh ....

Anonymous said...

I think because you visited a recent local celebrity's place, and left behind an open invitation for all the other 'playful' guests to drop in. And your 'naughty' adventures make us 'stand up' and notice you. Also, your narration of your encounters encourages us to read between the lines, and guess what were really in your mind. Cheer up!

Anonymous said...

thro' Gary lah.....

Nic said...

as long as you are talking about sex, there will be word of mouth going on and on.... soon, many will read your blog and follow it...


monotony of life starts & end here. said...

LOL! because you place your link so BIG on

and henceforth you're getting alot of unknown readers. =P

i was kinda bored as per usual so was profile-surfing on WG when I came across your blog.

Guess you should hit the alcohols lesser to prevent such situations. =P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do u have some picture?i want u!!1

Ghost said...

You are my fantasy :)

Anonymous said...

How I and I :)

dickygrunt said...

u've got an interesting life... so..hahaha I enjoy ur stories,....

Anonymous said...

Because you are in trouble.

acid said...

forgotten how i got link here anyway it was thru another blog i think. Nice posting and Nicely written do keep it up hmmm don't end up like some other blog all of a sudden close hor? hahaha Cheer Enjoy reading it very much

Anonymous said...

You are a pretty lady too, so what more to say? All men will always want a piece of you mah

acid said...

Sorry to post again but after i view your makeover session pics. I can understand by your boss is asking for more. I guess if i were your boss i will be very very distract everyday having you around.


Anonymous said...

i would like to know you better !

Anonymous said...

like your post...keep it up. take care.

Anonymous said...

desire & fantasy ...

Duke said...

Someone else's link

Amy(LamBi)Ne said...


Thanks for following my blog. You and I have similar experiences. At least the 'boss' thing.

I think people are interested in your blog because some are sympathetic towards what your boss did to you and wanted to comfort you. But then there are people that wants to see you 'raped'. Sad!

The bottom line is real life stories are more interesting to read.

Keep telling your stories.

-Hot Wife LamBi

Anonymous said...

hmmm delicious..slurp slurp...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Max. You apparently think you're very happening. I would advise you to think about where you want to go with your life.